9 Best Mobile Apps for Finding a Job

By Amy Levin-Epstein

Job application apps and other online tools have officially gone viral. Never before has it been easier to keep track of jobs and contacts on the go. A great example is the old standby, Monster.com, which now has apps for the iPhone, Droid, and iPad that allow you to keep your job search — including resume, cover letter, and listings — with you at all times. Because if you’re hunting for a job, the last thing you want to do is to be a day late — and possibly a job short — just because you missed a posting.
Here are eight others I hope you’ll find helpful. Got more? Please share them in the comments section.

Jobs by Careerbuilder App
What it does: Lets you find and apply for jobs right from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. So if you’re out networking (or taking a coffee break from your job search), you won’t miss a single opportunity.

What it does: Indeed gives you free access to millions of postings from both job boards and company websites — plus, you can have your personalized searches delivered right to your iPhone or Droid.

Jibber Jobber
What it does: This online organization tool helps you keep track of everything related to your job search, including where you applied and who the contact person is for each position. If your email inbox is a “work-in-progress”, this can help you avoid missing opportunities.

What it does: This free download quickly creates and sends digital business cards from your iPhone to your new contact’s email.

LinkedIn Mobile
What it does: Whereas some of these other apps are limited to the iPhone or Droid, LinkedIn Mobile is also accessible on the Blackberry, Palm, and others. So next time you’re in an interview and get surprised with a second introduction, you can quickly view the new interviewer’s page, scout any connections, and put together some talking points on the fly.

Apps 5 - 9 and Complete MoneyWatch Article

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