Friday, April 30, 2010

The Top Seven Things To Do To Get A Job

Helen Coster,
Figure out what you might be doing wrong, and fix it. Here's how.

If you've been out of work for several months and aren't getting any interviews--or you're going on interviews but not getting any offers--you should adjust your approach to job-hunting.

First, reevaluate your résumé. Replace hackneyed expressions like "strong team player" and "possess organizational skills" with strong, active verbs that demonstrate results. Whenever possible, use numbers to indicate performance. Instead of saying "Managed a team of three" say "Managed a team of three employees who interacted with clients and had a 100% client retention rate over two years."

Include keywords related to your skill set and background, since many big companies use computers to screen résumés for phrases like "analyst" or "financial modeling." Have a friend double-check your résumé for spelling and grammatical errors, and always be honest. "You cannot succeed in this competitive market if your résumé isn't 100% accurate," says Connie Thanasoulis-Cerrachio, a career coach and former chief operating officer for Merrill Lynch Campus Recruiting.

Write a one-page cover letter that makes a compelling case for why you should be hired. It shouldn't be a regurgitation of your résumé. The introductory paragraph should state the position you're applying for. The middle few paragraphs should highlight the critical three elements of the job description, explaining why you're a good fit for the job. Use the hirer's language. If the job ad says the candidate needs 10 years of experience using communication skills, describe how your communication skills brought in new business at a previous job.

Conduct a targeted job search, applying only for positions that you truly want and are truly qualified for. Make a list of the companies where you'd most like to work, and use your personal network and sites like LinkedIn to find connections at each one.

First, make sure that your online reputation is clean. Either set your Facebook settings so prospective employers can't see your updates and photos, or choose to post information that presents you in a positive, professional light. Post your résumé and a good photo on LinkedIn.

Start a Twitter account that you use professionally, and follow human resources people at companies that interest you. Retweet what they write when it's good, and comment on any interesting posts. After a few weeks of following them, send them a message directly, saying, "I'd love to talk about your company. It's a place I've always wanted to work, and I'd love to hear about your experience there," suggests Dan Schawbel, author Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success.

Learn as much as you can about the company and the position before you go in for an interview. Always prepare at least three smart questions in advance. In the actual interview, don't be afraid to look eager. Be enthusiastic, and convince the hiring manager that you truly want the job. Don't boast, but boldly state your accomplishments, and tell stories that illustrate your best qualities. Never badmouth a former boss, co-worker or company. Try to mirror the interviewer's tone; if he or she is casual and friendly, try to loosen up.

Page Two and Original Article

Job Search Networking - Two Essentials and Neither is Your Resume

The hidden job market really isn't all that hidden.
It's actually right in front of you, and all you need to do is network your way in. You'll be surprised at how willing people are to assist. You can accelerate getting into the hidden job market when you are prepared for networking.

So if you're going to a networking meeting-coffee with someone, an association meeting or conference where you will meet people who can hire you, an informational interview phone call-please have these things in place first.

First create your search strategy.
I'm amazed at how many people ask to talk to me about their job search without having defined who they want to meet, companies they would like to work in, etc.

I was talking to one job seeker and told her that I was really unfamiliar with her job function. But I might know people in her target companies so could perhaps help by introducing her. I asked if she had a list of companies where she wanted to work. What was her strategy?

Her response was that she was hoping she could just network and not have to create a strategy. When you have a strategy defined, you know exactly what to ask for. One way to guarantee they won't be able to help you is to say, "Well if you hear of anything I might be interested in, let me know."

Creating a strategy takes some time and perhaps some introspection and honesty. It's time well spent.

The second essential is your career brand.
This is how you become memorable. By having your brand statement, you help people talk about you! You stand out and capture their attention.

Sadly and surprisingly, most job seekers today cannot tell a recruiter, hiring manager or networking connection what is compelling about them-what makes them the candidate to hire. In today's economic climate, it may feel as though experience and skills are just commodities. What can put you in the lead, make you memorable to your networking contacts and irresistible to the hiring manager is all built around your brand.

With these two essentials in place, you're ready to make a big impact with your networking. Enjoy!

Admitting to being the original reluctant networker, Katherine Moody would do almost anything, including hiding out in the ladies room, to avoid a networking event. So she interviewed some networking masters to learn their simple and rarely discussed secrets. Then she went on to get her last 4 jobs by networking her way into the hidden job market with those simple secrets. Katherine shares those insider techniques on her job secrets blog. While there, get her free report: How to create a memorable brand for your networking. You'll love what it does for your networking!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Own Your Brand: Be The CEO Of Your Job Search

As a job seeker, your brand distinguishes you in whatever way you choose. How you cultivate your profile will directly speak to your next employer.

It's often said that to be successful in the career world, those who are job searching need to be able to showcase their experience on multiple plains and platforms to capture the attention of those hiring. To de-mystify the process, think of your skills and accomplishments as a product; a valuable service to a company that is looking to solve a problem. Essentially, online profiles on social media such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter are a way to personalize your brand and secure your future career. A few rules apply for all:

Your picture speaks volumes. In fact, it probably gives the recruiter or H.R. manager a much deeper glimpse into who you are than one might originally think. Your picture should be professional. If ageism is a concern, consider taking a picture of your networking or business card.

Profanity is out. Remember, you are speaking to your future boss and company. By using cursing, or otherwise questionable phrases, or even linking to questionable pictures or articles, it will make those looking question your integrity.

What happens on social media, stays on social media. There's one question to ask yourself once your profile is complete: "Are you being authentic?" What you post on Facebook, tweet on Twitter and proclaim on LinkedIn will remain in search engines for months to come. Personal integrity is vital to your brand.

Jason Douglas, online marketing manager for Spyder Trap Online Marketing, has often spoke the phrase, "Be who you are, with a filter." When questioning what to say and where, consider this easy guide:

LinkedIn is the office: Be professional and courteous in every way, never using slang or adopting lax speech.

Twitter is the water cooler: It's the perfect place to discuss your next opportunity, last night's game, challenges and display what you bring to a potential employer.

Facebook is the bar: It's a much needed rest from the suit and tie, however, profiles should be privatized except for your name and network.

Douglas sums it all up perfectly, "People care about what you achieved, but want to know how you did it. The ability to answer the what, how and why is essential." With authenticity and the correct marketing, you can shorten the job search period and heighten the passion behind a career transition.

Original Article

5 Ways to Optimize Your Resume For Database Search

1.) The first thing you should not overlook when submitting your resume is to include a keyword summary. This lets you add keywords that may be used by the searcher even if those same words are not found specifically in your resume. Be sure to separate each keyword with a comma.

2.) Just providing a keyword summary is not enough. Having a keyword loaded “Qualification Summary” at the beginning of your resume creates a visually stunning document in addition to making your resume database search friendly.

3.) Use your industry’s most preferable search terms. Get keyword hints from the job itself. You will find that each employer may use certain keywords to explain the position that they are hiring for in the job description. Use those words to your advantage when compiling keywords for your resume.

4.) Fill your resume with top keyword titles. These titles should also expose valuable keywords to search engines.

5.) Lastly, spell out exactly what you are looking for from your future employer. If you plan on working in Colorado, type the entire word: Colorado. Don’t use abbreviations in your resume.

If you aren’t getting a call to interview with a recruiter or hiring manager, use these basic tips to optimize your resume for database searches.

By Cass Fisher. Remember to specifically gear your resume towards the features of your next position. See Unemployment Effect 2010 for more ways to find out what hiring managers are really looking for.

Original Article

Tuning Your Resume to the Right Keywords

At large companies, recruiters rely on a computer program called an applicant tracking system that stores and filters resumes to find the best candidates for a job. To make the match, ATS software relies on keywords – words and phrases that tell the program a candidate is a good match for a specific job description. Just as search engines like Google use keywords to find the right Web pages, ATS software uses keywords to find the right resumes.

How Employers Use Keywords

While they can’t guess the exact keywords recruiters are using, resume writers try to find the likeliest possibilities for your industry and function.

Where do you find the right keywords to include in your resume? Professional resume writers recommend you start with the job posting, which will contain a description of duties and qualifications. The ATS will try to match as many of the words in the job posting to the words on your resume. The more matches, the better the fit and the better the chances you will get an interview.

Repeated words, section headings and specific terms comprise good candidates for keyword selection. Also look at similar job postings as a cross-reference to find the most likely candidates for keywords. Recruiters and headhunters can often guide you. Online and print publications also include guides for keyword research.

Other sources of keyword research:

1. Go to Web sites that represent companies and associations related to the candidate’s target industry in search of other buzzwords.

2. Search LinkedIn profiles of users who have similar jobs to see what keywords they’re using.

3. Go to association Web sites to see what keywords other industry professionals have used.

While you’re researching keywords, keep a master list to make sure the important words are represented in your resume when you apply for specific jobs.

The specific words employers seek relate to the skills and experiences that demonstrate your experience with the skills necessary to do the job. Both hard and soft skills will fall in this category. Industry- and job-specific skills are almost always included in keyword lists. Highly technical fields can also include specific jargon or terms that demonstrate subject expertise. Job titles, certifications, types of degrees, college names and company names also demonstrate an applicant’s qualifications. Awards and professional organizations can also be considered strong keywords.

Ultimately, job hunters should ask themselves, “What keywords would I use if I were writing this job description?”

Matthew Rothenberg is editor-in-chief of, the premier Web site for online job listings for $100K+ jobs, resume writing tips and resume advice.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Getting Your First Teaching Job: The Job Search

So, you’re about to graduate from college. Where do you start looking for a job? Newly-elected MENC Collegiate National Chair-Elect, Diana Hollinger, has some tips for you.

Tips When Job Searching

  • Start early, even before you finish school
  • Observe deadlines
  • Define what you want and what you offer
  • Be flexible, expect a less than perfect job, and set realistic salary expectations
  • Update resume/portfolio, manage your letters of recommendation and contact information, and maintain your files
  • Use letters of inquiry, and follow up on those inquiries
  • Network constantly, create a website, and think outside the box
  • Make a good impression early and with everyone
  • Be willing to take on extra duties
  • Focus your search—create a list of possibilities
  • Target your letter/resume to the job listing
  • Get experience, substitute teach in your desired districts, and look in urban and rural areas where there are shortages

Where to Start


  • College ensemble conductors
  • Music education professors
  • Music store staff
  • Other music teachers, former teachers, master teachers
  • Other students, recent graduates, friends
  • Administrators from student teaching
  • Relatives, friends, and colleagues in other cities
  • Studio teachers
  • Substitute teach
  • Conferences – MENC National and State, local workshops, etc.
  • LinkedIn/Social networks

Out of State Job Considerations

  • Must have state certification
  • Each state has different standards
  • Some states have “reciprocal licensure”
  • You may need to take exams or coursework to be re-certified in a different state

These ideas and tips were used in the “Job Search and Interview Strategies” session given by Diana Hollinger and Jill Sullivan during the 2010 Biennial Music Educators National Conference, March 26, 2010, in Anaheim, CA.

Monday, April 26, 2010

3 Guerrilla Job Search Case Studies

If you're job hunting in this tough economy, take heart from the following three stories of people who found work in three to four months -- about half as long as the average job search, which takes nearly 8 months (31.2 weeks) as of March 2010.

If you’re job hunting in this tough economy, take heart from the following three stories of people who found work in three to four months -- about half as long as the average job search, which takes nearly 8 months (31.2 weeks) as of March 2010.

How did they do it?
By using Guerrilla Resumes (explained below), LinkedIn, and smart networking, among other tactics.
Read on to learn more from the Q&A I did with each of them …
Case Study #1: Brad Viles, from suburban Madison, WI.
Time to hire: about four months (hired on March 8, 2010)
Tactics used: LinkedIn and Guerrilla Resume
Kevin: How did you find the production supervisor job you just accepted?
Brad: I made contact on LinkedIn with an HR person at the company. I used Linkedin to forward my resume to them because three weeks earlier they had advertised the position.
I figured I might as well apply. I really had nothing to lose. And I got a response within about three days. The interview and everything went fine after that.
Kevin: What did employers say about your Guerrilla Resume?
Brad: I can’t begin to tell you how many times they complimented the form and the info on it. The quotes [from past managers] -- you’re showing the people comments about what you do and how they relate to you and what you can offer to a company.
Case Study #2: Patty L, from suburban Detroit, MI
Time to hire: about three months (hired on April 5, 2010)
Tactics used: Guerrilla Resume, list of target employers, smart networking, and preparation
Kevin: What was the most-important tactic that helped you find the Director of Customer Service job you just accepted?
Patty: Probably making sure that people in my network -- especially those who are at my target companies -- had my short, one-page Guerrilla Resume.
Kevin: By targets, this was a list of employers you wanted to work for, regardless of whether or not they were hiring. How many companies did you target during your three-month search?
Patty: Probably six to ten companies.
Kevin: What was the general reaction of employers to your Guerrilla Resume?
Patty: They liked it because it was different from the other 100 resumes they got in the mail.
Kevin: What else helped in your search?
Patty: Preparing. The morning of my phone interview, I stood while speaking and stuck my resume on the wall.
Kevin: Yes. Here’s why that’s important …
Stand and deliver: When you’re on your feet or walking around, your voice has more energy and enthusiasm, which employers can sense over the phone.
And taping your resume on the wall eliminates the sound of paper shuffling, which makes it appear as if you’ve memorized the whole document. You can’t help but sound smarter this way.
Obviously, Patty’s new employer agreed.
Case Study #3: Scott Melrose, from Mokena, IL
Time to hire: about four months (hired on April 2, 2010)
Tactics used: Guerrilla Resume and Linkedin
Kevin: How did you find the Account Executive you just accepted?
Scott: It found me! I got contacted via one of the people who will be my counterpart saying, “Hey, you look like someone we would like to have on our team.”
Kevin: So they found you on LinkedIn?
Scott: Yes. When I started using the Guerilla Resume and building it into my LinkedIn profile, people started finding me. They started coming out of the woodwork. I actually ended up with a position that is a better fit for me than anything I was able to find through research.
Kevin: What was the reaction employers had to your resume?
Scott: It was killer. Everybody that I showed it to was really impressed.
Kevin: Do you think that helped you interview more confidently?
Scott: Absolutely!
The astute reader will note that each of these job seekers used a Guerrilla Resume to find work about 50% faster than the national average of 31.2 weeks.
Google “Guerrilla Resumes” for my past columns on this topic, but for now, know that this resume format has two essential elements:

  1. logos and/or graphics (from past employers, clients or schools) and
  2. quotes (glowing recommendations from past managers or clients).
In addition, these job seekers used “smart” networking and/or Linkedin to connect with the companies that hired them. The common element in both tactics? Meeting people.
Whether you’re networking smartly (by telling people exactly what job you seek and the 10-20 companies you want to work for) or using LinkedIn correctly (by making connections at target employers), it all comes down to meeting more people. That’s the only way to find a job fast -- in this economy, or any other.
Kevin Donlin is contributing co-author of “Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters 2.0.” Since 1996, he has provided job-search help to more than 20,000 people. For a free Guerrilla Job Search audio CD, visit

Thursday, April 22, 2010

12 Tips to Get the Most from LinkedIn

Susan GuneliusBio | Email
Susan Gunelius is the author of multiple business books, and she is President & CEO of KeySplash Creative, Inc., a marketing communications company. She also owns Women on Business, a leading blog for business women.

LinkedIn has grown into more than a social networking site for business people. Today, it's also one of the first places employers and business partners go to learn more about the people who want to work with them. It's also one of the first places that employees go to learn more about potential leaders, managers, colleagues and so on.

Not only does LinkedIn offer information about people you consider working with, but it can also open doors to new opportunities and relationships that can benefit your career in the long term. Don't just create your LinkedIn profile and forget it. Instead, follow the tips below to make your LinkedIn profile work for you.

1. Make sure your LinkedIn profile is comprehensive.

Simply entering your name and current job into your LinkedIn profile isn't enough. Instead, take the time to make your profile comprehensive, so it tells your entire story. Lead with your strengths and make sure visitors to your profile see your most important and relevant information first.

2. Continually search for new connections.

Use the LinkedIn search tool to find people to connect with. Search groups related to your business or expertise and connect with people you know or request an introduction to people you don't know from your own connections who are already connected with them.

3. Ask for recommendations (and give them, too).

The LinkedIn Recommendations tool is typically under-utilized by LinkedIn members. Recommendations act as testimonials of your abilities and knowledge. Write recommendations for your connections and request that they write recommendations for you in return.

4. Answer questions in LinkedIn Answers.

Leverage the LinkedIn Answers feature to search for questions related to your business or area of expertise and answer them. LinkedIn Answers offers an excellent opportunity to establish your expertise but also to connect with and build relationships with more people.

5. Search for and join groups.

There are many, many LinkedIn groups (including the ForbesWoman group, and you can join up to 50 with a free LinkedIn account (and additional sub-groups). Search for groups related to your business and area of expertise and join them. This enables you to connect with other group members and join conversations happening within those groups.

6. Start your own group.

If there isn't a group related to your business, expertise or niche on LinkedIn already, then create one! It's free and takes just a few minutes to create a group. Just be sure to keep the group active with new content and conversations, so people find enough value in it to join and to come back again and again.

7. Keep your content fresh.

Take the time to update your LinkedIn profile frequently and add to Group conversations frequently else you'll be forgotten quickly.

8. Automate some processes.

Save time by automating processes such as feeding your blog posts to your LinkedIn profile and groups that allow you to do so using the group news feature (not all groups allow this). Also, automate the feed of your Twitter stream to your LinkedIn profile, and link your SlideShare account with your LinkedIn profile using LinkedIn apps. By automating processes, you free up time for other activities and ensure your LinkedIn content is fresh and interesting.

9. Promote your LinkedIn profile to increase connections.

Include a link or icon on your Web site and blog inviting people to connect with you on LinkedIn. Similarly, include the link in your email signature and anywhere else you can think of to get more exposure and boost your quality connections.

10. Consider placing a LinkedIn ad.

LinkedIn Advertising is an easy to use feature that enables you to create ads that are served using the targeting criteria you select and the budget you determine. They can help you to promote your LinkedIn activities and your business.

11. Don't forget about LinkedIn Jobs.

The LinkedIn Jobs tool allows LinkedIn members to publish job postings for their own companies (for a fee) or search for job opportunities that fit their own skills.

12. Use LinkedIn Events.

Promote your events and accept RSVPs using the LinkedIn Events feature. Follow the link to get answers to frequently asked questions about LinkedIn events.

Connect with Susan Gunelius on LinkedIn.

Connect with ForbesWoman on LinkedIn

Original Forbes Article AND Other LinkedIn Tips

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

How to Boost Your Personal Brand With Social Media

By Chris Garrett
Published April 21, 2010

Want to build your personal brand? There are few tools as powerful as social media for quickly building a positive personal brand. Whether you’re focusing on a global audience or a local one, social media can help you get visibility and help you forge connections.

In this article, I’ll share some tips to help you leverage social media to gain more exposure.

#1: Reap What You Sow

What are you aiming for? What is your goal?

If you want to get yourself known, social media is a great way to build visibility and a platform. Getting known might be your goal or it might be a means to an end. Again, social media can help you build connections that pay off in terms of opportunities and offers.

At the very least, when you do the right things in social media, you’re building a profile that represents you in the best possible light when anyone wants to look you up. It is a rare potential employer who will not do a quick Google search, and apparently even potential dates now do this routinely!

#2: Model Real Life

Social media grew out of real-world social rules and therefore what works in real life works well in social media, but with wider distribution and accelerated cause and effect.

Often people say to me that social media does not work, but what they really mean is they tried to extract value before they put any in. In fact, at the time of this writing I almost got into a protracted debate on Twitter about this very thing. Because this one person didn’t see any results, he believed social media “didn’t work.” The problem is, social media does not work for people who just want to take and be selfish, so he is setting himself up for a self-fulfilling prophecy.

You can’t withdraw very long from an empty social capital account. Essentially, if you want to get out value, then you need to start putting value in.

#3: Be Likeable

Another aspect of social media engagement is that your basic interactions are communicating more than the 140-character status updates. People also read between the lines. Again, this can work for or against you.

Brands are built through experience just as much as what you say and any image you create. The brands you love and hate are much more about how they have treated you than their logos and corporate mission statements!

The same is true on a personal brand level. It’s about treating people well and giving them a positive experience with you. It really helps if you like people because you are going to need to be consistently a good person to know.

Using light humor, being kind, sharing about more than just your work—including your interests—allow people to connect with you on a human level as well as a business and technical level.

Beyond this we have to be aware of boundaries and limitations to sharing. We have all seen the damage that can be done through “overshare” or Too Much Information, and also what we find humorous might well put people off, or even cause emotional or professional damage.

Consider a popular blogger who is constantly on the attack, belittling people, making fun of people, “digging up dirt” and so on. Yes, he will gather a following—bullies often do—but how do these kinds of tactics affect long-term relationships and loyalty?

At SXSW I had a discussion about this very topic and we realized many of the highly visible people who used this approach 4 or 5 years ago are now seldom heard from and nobody will take their calls.

Social karma works in the negative as well as the positive, and the Internet has a LONG memory!

Does This Really Work?

At this point you might still be skeptical. So to reassure you that there is some real cause and effect going on here, just look at your own social media activity.

* Who do you follow? Think about your top three social media users and what they have in common.
* Which blogs do you read? Again, which are your “must-read” blogs?
* When have you had the best results? Think back to when you had your best win. What did you do?
* How do you attract new contacts? When you want a social media or list boost, what works best for you?
* What can you test today? Still skeptical? Good! Test, verify—what can you try today to move your metrics needle?

I am 100% sure that when you put out good, valuable, positive stuff—when you share only the best—that’s when you will get the best results. It also follows that the people you are most attracted to or listen to most are the people you get the most value from, be that entertainment or education, and with whom you feel the best connection.

#4: Share, Share, Share

Tactically this is about sharing good stuff. If you want to position yourself as an expert, then share what you know.

The more you share good stuff, the more people will want to listen to you. Even better, if you share your expertise with good stuff from other people mixed in, it shows you’re generous and have your followers’ best interests at heart rather than pure self-promotion.

* Answer questions in LinkedIn.
* Share links, videos and anything useful that you find in Facebook and Twitter.
* Post your slide decks to Slideshare.
* Upload advice videos and demonstrations to YouTube.
* Write valuable content in your blog and answer comments.
* Invite people to ask you questions on your Facebook fan page, Twitter and your blog.

#5: Conduct a Whuffie Audit

Cory Doctorow of BoingBoing fame invented the futuristic reputation, or social capital–based currency, of Whuffie. Some days I wish Whuffie really existed and that just by looking someone up we could see what kind of person they were and how much they added to society. Unfortunately we do not have Whuffie yet, but you can “audit” yourself to see how much social capital you are generating.

Keep an eye on your key metrics to see if they are growing and what behavior is influencing them:

* Followers, friends and subscriber counts—How many people you have following you is not the best metric, but it does tell you if you’re attracting versus annoying people!
* Retweets, clicks and shares—If people want to share your stuff, it’s a hint that what you are putting out is valuable.
* Comments, favorites, discussions—Can you spark discussion and debate? That’s value right there.
* Key contacts, referrals, recommendations and testimonials—Are you reaching people and are they telling others about you? What do people say about you behind your back? Will people publicly connect their name, and reputation, to yours?

Closing Thoughts…

I know how frustrating it is when we say things in interviews like “provide value, join the conversation.” Hopefully I’ve explained a bit more about what this means and some of the steps you can use. It comes down to having the intention to really help, inform and be an excellent person to know.

A reputation is difficult and time-consuming to build, but with social media we can damage it in an instant. When you have what’s best for your community in mind, you will not go far wrong.

How does this work for you? Got any tips to share? What has worked best in your experience? Please SHARE your thoughts in the comments! :)

Are You Doing It Wrong? How to Make Networking Really Work.

Networking. Does the very thought of getting out there, shaking hands, and schmoozing give you butterflies? You are not alone. But networking, either informally or at an organized event, is something that everyone should actively do--no matter how old they are or where they're at in their career.

"You always love a job until you don't--or until it no longer loves you--so continuing to build and strengthen your network even when you're employed will help you maximize your options if and when it's time to move on," says career expert Liz Lynch.

As founder of The Center for Networking Excellence and the author of "Smart Networking," Lynch knows a strong network can help you get industry information quickly and find opportunities to grow your business. But a recent Yahoo! HotJobs poll found that networking or an in-person referral is the most effective way to find a job today, too: over 20 percent of surveyed workers and job seekers say they've stepped up in-person networking activities in the past year.

Too often, poor preparation or lack of follow-up make networking ineffective. Fortunately, there are some simple things to do before, during, and after networking to ensure that you make a lasting impression.

Polish your image
You just never know when you'll run into a potential client or employer, so it's important to be ready to network at any time. That means keeping business cards handy and up-to-date with a mobile number and links to a professional website and/or a LinkedIn profile.

Prep your elevator pitch
Lynch says it's necessary to be able to answer the question "What do you do?" with a response that rolls off your tongue without being too long or full of jargon and buzzwords. "If you're currently unemployed, you want to answer confidently and in a way that focuses on what you're looking for instead of what you've been through," adds Lynch.

Rachel Weingarten, a marketing and brand strategist, says this is especially important if you've spent years repeating the same thing and ignoring how your skills may have evolved. An easy way to do this is paying attention to how people you admire in your industry are describing themselves. "Don't copy them, but use it as inspiration to create your own short, snappy self description," advises Weingarten.

Target your efforts
To make a real impact with networking, hone in on events and opportunities targeted to your industry. Freelance journalist Gina Roberts-Grey suggests joining a professional organization. "Members often introduce each other to colleagues and share contact information," says Roberts-Grey, adding that networking is also a main function of industry conferences. "Attendees expect to be approached in elevators, hallways, and even bathrooms."

Toot your horn (but pay attention, too)
Once you're talking, Roberts-Grey says, "Don't be afraid to brag a little. If you don't tell the world what you're doing, chances are no one else will." Lynch says that you should also listen and try to find ways to be of help. "Find out if they would be open to meeting with you so you can learn more about their company. Don't push your resume. Focus first on building the relationship," she adds.

Follow up
Roberts-Grey recommends sending an e-mail or follow-up note as soon as possible after the meeting. Weingarten says, "It's polite and professional and works toward cementing more of a relationship with the person you just met," and she suggests including specific details of the conversation.

You should also do your homework by researching growth sectors and average salaries in your industry so you'll be ready to negotiate if you have the opportunity. Says Roberts-Grey, "Don't be afraid to show that you're ready, willing, and able to work with them."

Original Article

Monday, April 19, 2010

LinkedIn Tip: Premium Account Elevates Job Seekers

LinkedIn announced this week a new paid account exclusively for job seekers called the Job Seeker Premium Account. The upgrade, LinkedIn says, is intended to help LinkedIn members stand out from the crowd, reach out to hiring decision makers and manage their job search more effectively.

This is the latest feature LinkedIn has added to its site that is tailored specifically for job seekers. Last month, LinkedIn announced a free tool that matches users to job openings.

As a member of the premium account, you will be moved to the top of the hiring manager's list as a "featured applicant" when you apply to jobs on LinkedIn. When hiring managers log in to their LinkedIn accounts and view who's applied for a job, "they're highlighted and displayed in a more eye-catching way than a non-featured applicant," says Parker Barrile, director of product management at LinkedIn. Hiring managers, Barrile says, have responded positively: "These job seekers stand out to hiring managers because they've invested extra time and money to make their job search successful, so they know they're serious about it."

The premium account also lets you to send InMail messages directly to hiring managers, even if they reside outside your network, and you have access to the Profile Organizer, which lets you save profiles, add notes to the profiles and keep track of contacts from your job search.

As a paid account member, you also have access to tutorials and videos on how to use the premium features such as InMails and the Profile Organizer (which are also part of the standard upgrade account) in a way that can help you in your job search.

There are three account tiers you can choose from: basic, job seeker and job seeker plus.

Basic: The basic account costs $19.95 per month. You're allotted five folders in your Profile Organizer and can view 100 profiles of hiring decision makers per search. You're also allowed 10 introductions to inside sources at companies.

Job Seeker: This account costs $29.95 per month. You're allotted five InMails that let you contact hiring managers directly and ten folders in your Profile Organizer. You can view 250 profiles of hiring decision makers per search and you're allowed 15 introductions to inside sources at companies.

Job Seeker Plus: The Plus account costs $49.95 per month. You're allotted 10 InMails, 25 folders in your Profile Organizer and can view 500 profiles of hiring decision makers per search. You're also allowed 25 introductions to inside sources at companies. All three accounts come with a webinar on looking for jobs on LinkedIn.

Staff Writer Kristin Burnham covers consumer Web and social technologies for She writes frequently on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google. You can follow her on Twitter: @kmburnham.

Original Article

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Top Social Networking Sites – Applications for job seekers

If you are looking for most of the Internet in your job search to be sure to check the following Web sites and applications:


You can change the visibility as a work in sport or an expert in your field level Twitter to participate in discussions on topics that are familiar in that position you as an experienced professional. job seekers must be on Twitter, because the recruiters use to source candidates to search for documents in theirBIOS. I suggest that job seekers have a link to their LinkedIn profile or web resume so recruiters can go to another site for more detailed information, Since Twitter is the short power.

You can use the network to expand finding thought leaders and other professionals in your area using Twellow many different categories you can search for people. Since you do not need anyone's permission (unless they are to follow tweetssure), you or someone you want to follow, and many people will follow you back. You can also see who are the people who follow retweeting. The people can be good for you to follow.

Know of open positions, I would recommend the use of job seekers It 'a service that directly post jobs for job seekers to text message, and it takes about eight seconds to find a position. Jobseekers can register asMany of the more than 7500 channels they want, quoting the job title and geographic areas. You can follow me on Twitter at @ TweetMyJOBS TweetMyJobs.


Many recruiters are looking for social media sites for the candidates than positions on job boards instead. Profiles occurs on potential candidates' contact with them on LinkedIn. In addition to a LinkedIn profile job seekers can get their profile on LinkedIn increased participation in groupsand answer questions on LinkedIn Answers section. Recruiters have a positive impression of the candidates who deserve the best answers through thoughtful answers to the comments section.

Also, I recommend that job seekers use the page works on LinkedIn to find open positions. LinkedIn is all automatic connections you have on contract jobs company's vacancy. This is a useful feature, since it is always useful to try to network your wayto a company.


You can join groups on Facebook and on topics of interest as a work in sport is based. If you are a member of a group can help people in the group that you want to identify the friend. Members of the group is probably very open free ding you because you had the group together. You might say something like: "I see we are both members of the group of accounts in the government. I am very interested in connecting with other professionalsarea and would like to introduce you to my network connection "It 's a good way to grow your network and find out about job opportunities ..

Easy Resume

You can do this program on Facebook with a smaller version of your resume to your Facebook profile instead.

Brave New Talent

This social networking application that allows you to have direct contact with employers and employers' organizations to participate in online communities.

Original Article

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Don’t Be A Stealth Job Hunter!!!

Are you trying to find a new job without letting anyone know you’re unemployed? Many people try, very few succeed. Especially in today’s job market, it is extremely difficult to get a new position without extensive networking!

That word seems to scare many people. In their minds it conjures up images of glad-handing Multi-Level-Marketing salespeople who wants to show their “plan” with the “perfect” opportunity for you without knowing anything about you. Or it draws memories of the brother in-law who became a life insurance agent and has been haranguing every distant family member for months to buy a new policy from him.

Those bad memories are caricatures of networking or sales, and not the image you would create by effective networking for a new job.

Don’t hide from the people that can help you! Here are some thoughts and some practical help to do it right…

Especially now, there is no shame in losing your job! Often, I hear people say they don’t tell others they are looking for a job because they are embarrassed over being unemployed. Too often they blame themselves somehow when in fact market conditions can make anyone a casualty of a lay-off. When companies are forced to make drastic cuts in their expenses, they often have to cut broadly and deeply. Often they will cut a whole department, or a straight percentage from every department. The decisions of who stays and who goes are often made very arbitrarily with the bottom-line the primary concern. Survival of the company is more important than cutting carefully with a scalpel.

Over the past 2 years, virtually everyone recognizes that no one is immune. There is no stigma to a lay-off as there may have been years ago. There is no need for embarrassment, or shame. It is what it is and generally people don’t view your unemployment as a reflection on you, but rather a sign of the times. I was told of someone recently that didn’t tell his wife that he had been laid-off for 3 weeks. He rose, dressed and left for ‘work’ each morning just as he always had so his wife wouldn’t suspect, but spent his day at a coffee shop. Now that’s stealth, and not at all a good idea.

Who do you tell? Everyone! You never know where your best leads will come from, and usually they come from the most unlikely sources. Make a list of everyone you know. Studies show that most people, on average, know more than 350 people. Create lists in groups to help jog your memory. List ALL your family members, close and extended. List friends. List ALL your previous co-workers from everywhere you’ve worked. List service providers like your doctor, accountant, lawyer, real estate agent, dry cleaner, mail carrier, etc. List other parents on your kids’ sports teams. List other parents you know from your kids’ school. List people you know at church, temple, or mosque. List people you know from former vendors, customers, trade associations, user groups, or professional associations. List alumni from your schools. Hopefully, you get the idea… make lists of everyone you know!

Then gather contact information… find where they work on LinkedIn, call the main number of the company and call them. Gather email addresses if you have them. Google their name to find something of theirs with contact information. Use resources like, ZoomInfo, or the phone book!

What do you say? That will vary with how you know them, how well you know them, and what position they hold. However, as a general rule, one thing you don’t want to say is: “Do you know of a job opening?” The vast majority of people you talk to will not know of something off-hand and then the conversation becomes awkward and cut short.

As a suggestion:

I’m connecting with everyone I know in order to network effectively to find a new position. I realize you may not know of a specific open position in my field. However, I figure my job while I’m looking is to keep adding links to my chain of people, connecting one to another until I find the right opportunity.

I’m hoping you may be able to give me names of a couple of people that you know that would be worthwhile for me to talk to… either anyone else you know in my field, someone that you might reach out to if you were in my situation, someone that just seems to know a lot of people, or anyone you know at companies that seem to be doing well.

I’d be grateful for any specific job leads if you know of one, however, I’m really only hoping for the next couple of links in my chain.”

People can’t help you if they don’t know you are looking! Don’t keep your job hunt under wraps. Let everyone you know you are looking, touch base with them regularly (every 4 to 6 weeks), and keep adding to the links in your chain until you reach someone with the right opportunity for you!


Harry Urschel has over 20 years experience as a technology recruiter in Minnesota. He currently operates as e-Executives, writes a blog for Job Seekers called The Wise Job Search, and can be found on Twitter as @eExecutives.

Original Article

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Do's and Don'ts of Using LinkedIn to Find a Job

Pervin Shaikh

Everyone who is anyone in the business world is likely to have a profile on LinkedIn. It does pay to have a profile on LinkedIn because more than a quarter of the people on the site are senior executives, with every Fortune 500 company represented. LinkedIn is not just used for job hunting, but more and more people are turning to the site to research before sales calls, asking for advice, and compiling information on companies or individuals and clients.

People are no longer relying on traditional avenues to seek employment, such as sending out resumes or CV’s to companies and agencies, or applying to jobs advertised in local or national newspaper job classification sections. Instead, people are being enterprising and inventive in seeking employment through other channels, such as social networking sites LinkedIn.

The rules of job hunting have changed considerably since bygone days when the process was more formal, secretive and reactive, and the candidates were more passive. Instead, as a result of technological innovations, social changes, changes in the workplace and globalisation, individuals are more empowered due to their ability to connect with others at a click of a button.

Facebook for Grownups

LinkedIn is also known as the “Facebook for grownups” and it gained momentum since its inception over a decade ago. Its founder, Reid Hoffman, believed LinkedIn would provide a unique professional platform for millions of people across the world. At present, the professional networking site has over 60 million profiles and there are ambitious plans to move the platform into more ambitious and profitable territories.

Facebook created headlines for social networking, but LinkedIn is now making global headlines. A recent article in Fortune Magazine, How LinkedIn Will Fire up Your Career, highlights the example of the accounting and consulting firm, Accenture, who believes 40% of their new hires over the next five years, will come from social networking sites such as LinkedIn.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Is Your Job Search Opportunity Pipeline Big Enough?

I recommend to my candidates that they build an opportunity pipeline 3 times as large as their expectations ... or compared to their last job search. Why do candidates need such a large pipeline?

While we've seen a glimmer of hope in recent US Department Of Labor numbers, we're still in the middle of a lousy job market ... the worst in our lifetimes. What are you going to do about it?

Yet, most candidates I talk to are satisfied with about the same opportunity pipeline level that they built during their last job search - in the midst of a good job market. Even recent bad job markets (2001-2002) are good compared to today's hiring numbers.

Why does a candidate need a pipeline
3 times the pipeline initially expected?
  1. If your opportunity pipeline isn't big enough, you aren't getting enough "at bats": As a candidate you're a salesman ... of your services. A good, experienced sales person is able to meet their goals, regardless of the market by increasing their pipeline when business gets tough. You can increase your pipeline by 1) adjusting the effort or 2) innovate to improve response rates.

    The sales person - or in this case, the candidate - can adjust by increasing the number of prospecting events (calls, resume sends, job applications, networking lunches, informational interviews).

    Alternatively, a candidate can innovate (change tactics) to improve response rates. In today's lousy job market, your response rate is about 1/3 of what you would expect in a normal job market. I recommend using both tactics to achieve the pipeline you'll need in today's market.

  2. The "perfect storm" requires additional effort: Today's poor hiring economy has met the perfect storm - ease of applications, employer technology and increased employer expectations.

    • It's never been easier to apply for a job - So you have a huge number of competitors per job
    • Employer technology - Employers pre-screen with Applicant Tracking Systems (databases), so that HR reps or recruiters only look at resumes that may meet hiring manager criteria. These aren't intended to capture all applicants who are qualified - they are intended to short list a limited number that meet the minimum requirements, even if well qualified applicants are left unseen in the database.
    • Employer expectations - Today employers expect exact fits. When employers had fewer candidates due to strong job markets and the limitations of newspaper advertisements, they were forced to look at close matches and train to fill gaps. Not so today, when employers see many more candidates than jobs and when employers are forced to squeeze multiple roles into a single job with a minimal training budget. If it seems that employers are looking for a 3 headed monster, it's because they really are.

  3. Here's where you can blame the economy: It's harder to find a job today. That means you'll have to work harder and work smarter than you're used to.
Why 3 times? In a normal market, if you got an interview the odds averaged 1 in 3 that you'd get an offer. In today's market, it's about 1 in 10. In some industries (construction, for instance) it's even worse. This doesn't mean that it's impossible to find a job - it means you have to change volume and tactics to beat the odds.

How do most candidates really respond to today's market? Sadly, I've found that most candidates drastically underestimate today's job market - this is unlike anything they have ever experienced and their adviser's suggestions are based on past job markets ... rather than the realities of today. I typically see candidates react in the following steps:

Contrast this list with what I see (and coach) successful candidates do:
  • Realistic timeframes
  • Understand how competitive the market is today
  • Written job search planning - using project planning methodology
  • Manage pipeline by innovating (increasing response rate) and slightly increasing volume
  • Understand company and hiring manager needs - through intensive research and listening, before even sending a resume
  • Put themselves in hiring manager's shoes - understand WIFT (see
  • Using all tools available - using more than just job boards and company websites
  • Active networking - used to gain information, not to ask for jobs or to pass resumes
  • Social media to build Social Brand and thought leadership - Including Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter and blogs
  • Not depending on any single opportunity - because their opportunity pipeline is large enough that they know something will come through. They stack the odds in their favor

Job seekers - How many opportunities are in your pipeline today?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

In the Search for a Hot Job Title, Enter the Ninja These Silicon Valley Warriors Write Computer Code; 'Guru Is So Web 1.0'

I guess I'll have to give myself a new title.....

Nicole Sullivan's job used to involve promoting the latest technology, so her résumé described her as an "evangelist." But after starting her own company, she needed to emphasize a different skill set.

Now, she likes to be known as a "ninja."

Ms. Sullivan isn't a black-hooded martial artist in Japan. She's a 32-year-old computer programmer in San Francisco who says she applies the sly skills of feudal Japanese warriors to writing software. "In the way you approach the code, you have a ton of tools available: throwing stars, knives, darts," says Ms. Sullivan, who founded Stubbornella Consulting in 2008. "The key is knowing which one will do some damage."

In Japanese folklore, ninjas were warriors who were skilled in espionage, traveled in disguise and often employed stealth fighting techniques many centuries ago. Today, a ninja is a hot new job title, vying to become the "guru" of the new century.

In 2009, the growth of "ninja" as a new job description far outpaced the growth of other trendy titles, according to LinkedIn Corp., a Web site that provides networking for more than 65 million professionals. While the numbers are still small on LinkedIn—some 800 current or former ninjas have public profiles on the site—their growth has skyrocketed past other fashionable careers such as "gurus" and "evangelists," says Monica Rogati, a scientist at LinkedIn who finds patterns in jobs data.

It's harder to quantify precisely what a ninja is.

"They're not coming from Japan," says Ms. Rogati, who first spotted the ascent of ninjas in 2003, but says they really took off last year. "They're just as likely to be software engineers or people with specialized skills working in the cubicle right next to you."

While most are computer programmers, the term has been used to describe expertise in everything from customer service to furniture movers. Jon Carlson sells the services of "ninja workers" in the Salt Lake City area. For $10 per hour per ninja, his team will do everything from housesitting to personal security to hauling junk.

Todd Bavol likes to be called the "Job Search Ninja," and published a book with that title last year that encourages people to use "creative skills from your bag of tricks" to find a job. "People who are doing the regular everyday things to find a job aren't being successful," says Mr. Bavol, the CEO of recruiting firm Integrity Staffing Solutions.

"The concept of a ninja is metaphorical. It's about confidence," says Alex Schliker, who has been advertising to hire one for his San Francisco business software start-up, CureCRM. It's "an easy way to say you need to be good at learning anything new I throw at you," he says.

Ninja is "sexier" than its predecessor, Mr. Schliker says: "Guru is so Web 1.0."

In finance, ninja has a more dubious meaning—it's an acronym for a kind of loan in which a bank hasn't verified an applicant's income, job, or assets. After the housing bubble, many of these sorts of loans ended up in default, with their borrowers disappearing like ninjas.

Valerie Frederickson, the CEO of an eponymous human resources firm in Silicon Valley, says ninja is just the latest in a string of unusual job titles for the tech industry that began in the 1990s with "evangelists."

"Technology was changing so quickly that companies needed somebody who could go out and convince customers to go with the new technology," she says.

But today's economy needs more employees who are willing to do a lot with a little. "Ninja panders either to the young or the young at heart. It is designed to make them work harder but feel good about it," says Ms. Frederickson.

The business world's love of vivid job titles dates back at least to "black belts," who first became popular in the 1980s thanks to the Six Sigma management strategy that uses the term. Management theorists spawned a generation of "gurus," although one of the most famous, the late Peter Drucker, once remarked that "we are using the word 'guru' only because 'charlatan' is too long to fit into a headline."

Bonobos Inc., a New York City start-up that makes and sells men's apparel online, has dubbed its customer-service employees ninjas. Its first customer-service representative happened to hold a fourth-degree black belt, CEO Andy Dunn says, which started the trend.

All of the ninja talk in the U.S. only sows confusion in Japan, where the term isn't used for jobs. Ninjas are mostly seen in TV period dramas and cartoons.

Jinichi Kawakami, honorary master of the Iga-ryu Ninja Museum in the city of Iga, is known as one of Japan's last living ninjas. He says that calling efficient workers ninjas is not completely inaccurate. But he's disappointed that the term has lost touch with its roots in the military arts. "As a Japanese person, I feel a bit of discomfort about it," says Mr. Kawakami, 60.

Ninjas aren't assassins, insists Mr. Kawakami, who trains by walking on his big toes. A real ninja must have stealth, intelligence, a righteous heart and patience, he says.

"Lacking any one of those, you cannot make a useful ninja. These things are required in the business world as well," he says.

The rise of ninjas in the tech world is being fueled in part by Inc., which hosts a ninja brain-teaser contest at job fairs and industry events when hiring computer-software writers. Winners get the title of Amazon Ninja Coder and a miniature foam statue of a sword-carrying ninja.

Ms. Frederickson, who says she has seen "enough ninjas to take a castle" recently, isn't convinced that becoming one is a good career move. "If you're going to give people funny titles, they should describe what the person does," she says. "What are you going to do after being a ninja—senior samurai?"

—Miho Inada in Tokyo contributed to this article.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

10 Job-Search Mistakes of New College Grads

People entering the job market (and all job seekers) should avoid these common errors.
by Charles Purdy, Yahoo! HotJobs

Although this year’s college graduates are facing a tough job market (and the smart ones are facing it now, rather than waiting until after graduation), they have an advantage over other job seekers, according to Andy Chan, vice president of career development at Wake Forest University: they are among the age group most likely to be hired in coming months.

“Organizations are very interested in hiring young people because they have a lot of energy and are willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done,” Chan says.

But no matter how well-positioned these young people are, they—and all job seekers—will have a better chance of success if they avoid these common job-hunting mistakes of new college grads:

1. Not being proactive enough
Emily Bennington, the author of “Effective Immediately: How to Fit In, Stand Out, and Move Up at Your First Real Job,” says, “This isn’t the time to sit back and be casual in your approach. Create a hit list of five to ten target companies, and really utilize your network to locate an ‘in’ at each.”

2. Relying solely on the Internet
In a recent Yahoo! HotJobs poll, 57% of respondents said networking was a factor in landing their current or most recent job. Brad Karsh, president of JobBound, says, “When thousands of candidates are applying to the same jobs online and posting their resume to the same job boards, candidates need to stand out by making connections and networking their way into a company.” Job boards are an important tool, but Karsh says new grads also need to focus energy on networking.

3. Not creating wide networks
Career expert Liz Ryan agrees: “Use your parents’, grandparents’, and friends’ networks to help you in your post-graduation job search,” she says. “Don’t be shy—reach out to any long-ago Scoutmaster, choir director, or babysitting or leaf-raking boss. … There’s no statute of limitations on networking.” (Read more Yahoo! HotJobs articles about effective networking.)

4. Not creating customized resumes
Ryan says, “Don’t send out any resumes that simply list your courses, the degree you’ve earned, and your part-time and summer jobs—use this opportunity to make a stronger statement about what you want to do with your adult life.” And according to Jay Block, the author of “101 Best Ways to Land a Job in Troubled Times,” younger job seekers often haven’t thought about what they have to offer an employer (as opposed to what they want to get from one). With this mindset, they create resumes that are “boring biographies” instead of effective marketing tools. (Read more Yahoo! HotJobs articles about crafting better resumes.)

5. Misusing the Internet
Tory Johnson, CEO of Women For Hire and the author of “Fired to Hired,” says, “New grads don’t use LinkedIn—it’s not sexy like Facebook or Twitter. But it’s the best resource for getting names and building a professional identity. Don’t overlook it.”

6. Failing to follow up
Johnson says, “It’s not enough to send resumes and pray the phone rings.” She cautions that job seekers can’t expect a resume to be discovered in that “big black online hole.” “Hustle to follow up,” she says.

7. Setting expectations too high
Johnson says new graduates too often focus on looking for the perfect job, instead of a first job: “Especially in this economy, the first job should be about finding a position where you’ll learn a great deal, you’ll be super busy, and you’ll be surrounded by lots of people.”

8. Appearing unprofessional
Make sure you’re ready for employers’ scrutiny, says Tim McIntyre, president and CEO of The Executive Search Group. That means you should “sanitize your MySpace page—right now. It will be checked,” he says. He notes that many college students will need to change off-color voicemail greetings. Ryan adds, “Don’t assume that Facebook’s privacy settings will keep your youthful antics away from curious eyes. Rid your profile page of any photos of the ‘three Bs’ (beer, bongs, and bikinis).”

9. Not taking the job interview seriously
Even when you’re applying for an unpaid internship, you need to adhere to common standards of professionalism. McIntyre says those standards include demonstrating you’ve done your research on the company and dressing appropriately. Block adds that new grads are often unprepared for tough (but standard) interview questions, such as “Where do you see yourself in three years?” and “What are your weaknesses?” (Read more Yahoo! HotJobs articles about effective interview tactics.)

10. Not using the college’s career office
“A career office can help [students] identify networking contacts, learn important job-search skills, and significantly improve their resume and cover letter,” says Wake Forest University’s Chan. Ryan agrees, but adds that this is just a first step. The career office’s job is to “to prepare you for your job search, not to conduct it for you,” she says. “Use LinkedIn, reach out to everyone you can, and begin researching employers who’d be likely targets for your job-search.” (Start your job search now.)

Original Article

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Is Twitter better than LinkedIn for Job Seekers?

Once upon a time, long, long ago (which in the social media sphere is abouttwo months ago!) I was sure that LinkedIn was THE most valuable social media site for job seekers.

Today, it's definite that I'm unsure!

I would never make an argument that job seekers rely on only one site, but if I had to pick one platform as being absolutely crucial for the job seeker, I might now suggest Twitter.

"Is the man mad?" I hear you ask, while my long-suffering wife simply wonders, "Why do you even ask?"

Twitter: Best Real Time Source for Jobs

Here's why you have to be utilizing Twitter in your job search. Twitter provides you with THE best real time source for jobs that suit your job brief and it allows you to get your resume in early. Some recruiters admit that they review resumes on a chronological order and stop reading once they have 8-10 top class resumes. Understandable if you receive 500 plus resumes / job applications. Thus, in today's incredibly competitive environment, simply getting your resume in on time may not be in time!

Numerous major employers are tweeting job openings. As of 10.00am on 4/05, Abbott (608 open jobs via has tweeted openings for Global Product Manager, Patent Assistant, Electro Mechanical Technician and numerous others. You just hit the link and you are taken directly to the online application.

Sears has opted to use TweetmyJobs as its primary social media conduit. You will find 9 Sears entities when you search, including Sears Holdings Management Corporation which currently lists jobs like Lead Systems Engineer, Brand Manager – Craftsman, Multi-Channel Operations Manager.
Other major companies using Twitter include IBM, McDonald's, Deloitte, Accenture. Interestingly, while Pepsi is using Twitter for job postings, I could find no reference to Coca Cola.

Apart from, other sites worth looking at include

Note: Twitter is a fabulous tool for disciplined information gathering as above indicates. Once you register with Twitter (which is necessary to access other Twitter related sites), you do not have to send any 140 character tweets or even accept any tweets from others. So don't get bogged down by all the drivel that is out there, but do register for Twitter. Oh, keep it going on LinkedIn also.

Original Article

Thursday, April 8, 2010

How Does Google Affect Your Job Search?

What does Google say about you? Why should a job seeker care?

Candidates should care, because employers care, recruiters care, HR personnel care.

Google can open opportunities for you ... or knock you out of contention. Not having anything listed about you in the first few Google pages may work against you. Then again, having negative results show up in the first few pages of Google can be damaging to your job search.

It may seem that Google is just a huge invasion of privacy, that it only causes problems in your search efforts. While Google can cause problems for your search, in most cases it only causes problems if you let it.

That's right, if you let it. You have some control over Google rankings, a process called Online Reputation Management (see

Don't get me wrong, you're never going to have total control over Google, but you can manage how Google searches on your name appear ... and the information that these searches reveal. Not every employer searches Google, but most recruiters and mid to large sized companies will as minimum due diligence.

Here's what you might find in a Google search on your name, and how it might affect your job prospects:
  • Nothing: Google returns information on others who share your name. If you've maintained that you are a subject matter expert, industry leader, or corporate executive, and you aren't showing up in the first three pages of Google, you look ineffective at best - misleading at worst.
  • Someone else's Google info: Do you want to risk a job on an employer knowing the difference between you and someone else who shares your name? If you do't manage your online reputation ... then someone else is managing it, especially if your name isn't unique. You might want to use a middle initial, shorter or longer first name derivation if you share the name of an embezzler who was just convicted on fraud charges.
  • Unfavorable information: If your name is very unique than some information may show up that's not as bad as fraud convictions, but you might not want your employer to see.
  • Old court cases or police arrest information: Have you ever been sued or arrested? Depending on locality and local newspaper practices, these records may end up on Google searches.
  • Real estate tax records: Real estate tax records or real estate transactions (including property value) may show on Google depending on locality and local newspaper practices.
  • Charitable and political donations: These may include dollar amount, political, religious or group affiliation
  • Potential embarrassments: Blog comments, Twitter or Facebook posts may be visible, depending the uniqueness of your name and what other information about you is on the web.
The scary part is that judgments are made about you through this information, generally without you having a chance to explain anything. In as competitive, litigious, and risk averse employee hiring is today, many employers will just pass on a candidate if they sense risk - without even asking questions. What can you do?
  1. Avoid surprises: Do an inventory of what's listed on Google searches of your name. Look through the first 5 pages, searching combinations of your full name, search with shortened first name, search under name and address, name and city, name and state, name and phone.

  2. If you find negative information: It's next to impossible to remove it, but you can shift it. You can manage where negative information is listed by generating information that ranks more highly than the information you wish to shift (see

  3. Others information: If your name is John Smith, and a different John Smith was just sentenced for some terrible crime, make sure to warn the hiring manager, recruiter or HR department ... or all three. Let them hear from you first that there will be some confusion, and you're not the same guy as the bank robber John Smith.

  4. Promote yourself: Google can work for you and can help you be found by employers and recruiters. One of the huge side effects of social media allows recruiters to search using Google ... these are some of the hottest seminars, blog topics, and ebooks out there for recruiters. Given how expensive the major job boards are for recruiters, it's a huge benefit for recruiters to find candidates without having to rely on Monster and CareerBuilder. By proactively usng Online Reputation Management to build your subject matter expertise band, you can make it easy to stand out and be found. This can even work safely for passive candidates, because you're found by subject matter expertise, not by your resume - you're found, but it's not obvious that you are looking.

  5. Fill out profiles: Fill out profiles on all the social networks you can find (there are hundreds of them - at a minimum fill out profiles for Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Plaxo, and more here: Fill out profiles with all the major search engines and free email services (Google/Gmail, Yahoo, Bing/MSN, Hotmail, AOL).

  6. Claim a blog Just claim it from a free service (the easiest is Blogger, and copy your basic Linkedin profile into a post). Use your name for the name of the blog.
These are some of the basic steps you can take to manage your reputation. I'll follow with subsequent articles on intermediate and advanced Online Reputation Management techniques that you can use to fine tune your subject matter expertise, and show up on employer searches for specific business problems.

That's when you can really have Google doing the hard lifting of your job search, so employers will come searching for you. Who would want that these days?

Have you searched Google for your own name lately? What does Google say about you? Any surprises?