Wednesday, November 20, 2019

10 Things To Immediately Start Doing On LinkedIn Frequently

John Hall

Many of us visit sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter on a daily — even hourly — basis. We actively participate by reading, commenting, and posting on these channels and devour hours’ worth of others’ content on these platforms.  

And then there’s LinkedIn. We may not even remember the last time we signed in to the professional social network, but it constantly lingers in the background — and for good reason. As entrepreneurs and business executives, this is the social network we should visit every day. It connects us to people and ideas that can advance our careers and our businesses.

It’s time to dust off this critical social media profile and start doing these 10 things every day to tap into opportunities for new partnerships, revenue streams, talent, and funding. As someone who highly values my time, I want to make the most of it — and these 10 daily actions have maximized my LinkedIn visits. 

1. Designate five minutes a day to engage.
One of the most valuable things I’ve seen recently: people who are surprised when I respond to their messages. I can’t reply to everyone. However, I spend about five minutes after my morning run either answering a LinkedIn message or engaging in some way with the comments left on one of my posts. It’s a short amount of time, but it can make a difference, resulting in new advocates and business opportunities. 

3. Create original content.
Think of LinkedIn as another site for sharing thought leadership. Don’t be political or mean-spirited or do anything that puts your job or reputation at risk. However, do exercise the creative freedom to write an in-depth piece that will be valuable to your network. It could be on your industry or a niche field you’re interested in personally — anything that communicates your experience and passion is a plus. The best part is that you don’t have to contend with an outside editor who might tear the piece apart.

See all 10 things and the complete Forbes article

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