Introducing LinkedIn Endorsements: Give kudos with just one click

On LinkedIn, you have many smart, talented, and skilled professional connections. Starting today, we are introducing Endorsements, a new feature that makes it easier to recognize them for their skills and expertise.
With just one click, you can now endorse your connections for a skill they’ve listed on their profile or recommend one they haven’t added yet. Think your connection is great at programming AND project management? Let them know!
Here’s how you can endorse your connections:
  • On the top of a connection’s profile, you’ll see recommended endorsements for them. You can suggest additional skills as well.
  • You can also endorse them from the new Skills & Expertise section that now showcases these endorsements.
Want to see who has endorsed you? We’ll notify you via email and on LinkedIn whenever you are endorsed. You can  scroll to the bottom of your profile page under “Skills and Expertise” to see the faces of people who think you’re great at what you do. You can also accept any new skills recommended by your peers that you may not have thought to include on your profile. Or you can also add a new skill by clicking on “add a skill” on your profile page.  Check out how it works:

Starting today, Endorsements launches in English across the United States, India, New Zealand, and Australia. We look forward to expanding Endorsements in all languages to all members over the next few weeks.
It just takes one click. So go ahead, endorse your connections for their skills and help them show off their professional prowess.

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