Tuesday, September 25, 2012

10 Ways Linkedin Changed My Life In One Year

Linkedin is a very powerful too, both professionally and personally.  I never realized how much impact it would have in my own life until I truly became part of the community as an active member.  In 2006, I was asked to launch the first graduate advising program for National LouisUniversity.  With incredible success and amazing colleagues, I ran this program for 5 1/2 years.  In 2011, the downturn in higher education hit, and I had to make a difficult decision.
Although I had a profile on Linkedin, I was never really an active participant.  I became active toward the end of 2011, with the full intent of employment.  However, I discovered so much more along my journey, and others discovered me.
My personal journey of professional development is unique, and could not have been attained without the platform of Linkedin.
1.  Relationships:  I joined many groups and met amazing people with whom I had common interests.  I met CEO’s, academic advisors, professors, teachers, principals and superintendents.  I had lunch with an amazing superintendent in my state, and I have another one planned in the near future.  I could never have met so many amazing people, and I am so grateful for these relationships.
2.  My Linkedin Group:  I began my own Linkedin Group, ESL/Bilingual Teacher Professionals and Education Career Advising.  With close to 2,000 members worldwide, and a new honorary guest, Mr. Jose Rico, Director at White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics, we are on our way!  I have met so many amazing people who have shared stories, blog postsjobs and valuable information.  Please click the link above to join! Thank you!!
3.  Writing:  I started writing again, a lot.  I wrote an e-book about Linkedin: Linked In Basics: Why You Must Have A Profile, How To Set It Up, Optimize And Get Noticed.  Interested in a copy?  Copies are now $1.99 and can be purchased here.  I am currently working on a new Webinar that will provide step by step instructions on how to use keywords, set them up, and be found easily via Linkedin search. Sign up for my newsletter here for the release date.  And..I launched this online educational magazine. Guest writers have included superintendents, principals, teachers, professors, CEO’s and students.  This community has developed into something very special. I took a chance and shared my work. Many people listened and responded. I triggered amazing higher education conversations.  My work was noticed and my voice was heard.
4.  Chicago Now:  With a growing sense of skill, I decided to start blogging for Chicago Now (owned by the Tribune).  I wrote about any/all topics in education.  I shared my stories on Linkedin as well. In June, I received an email from Xavier University, as they requested an interview with me about my life, work, and dedication to the field of education. In August, amongst other chosen participants such as Jesse White, Tim Schigel, and Stuart Aiken, the most amazing interns came out to Chicago and video recorded my interview for their “American Dream Project,” the only permanent video registration of American Dreamers.  This interview will soon be released and shown to students for generations to come.
5.  Publishing:  With a new grown confidence, my work was starting to spread via social media.  My articles were ‘trending’ often on Linkedin Today.  I wrote for Edudemic, Reading Horizons, Chicago Now, Buffalo Grove Patch and more.  Edutopia.org noticed and highlighted my work.  Dell contacted me about an educational writing program for my magazine.

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