The Other Huge Mistake You May Be Making On LinkedIn

Kashmir Hill, Forbes Staff
Welcome to The Not-So Private Parts where technology & privacy collide

Last week, Meghan Casserly offered up 10 big mistakes you may be making on LinkedIn, from not having a photo to fudging your skill set. But there was one mistake she left off the list: failure to fully connect to your network.
Our “social graphs,” as exposed on various social networks, are becoming unexpectedly important in the opportunities that come our way. Banks areconsidering looking at your Facebook friend list to get insights into your credit-worthiness — on the assumption that birds of a good (or bad) credit feather flock together. Meanwhile, your contacts on LinkedIn may determine which job offers come your way.
There are at least two (unexpected) ways in which your LinkedIn social graph could work on your behalf. With its over 150 million members, companies are increasingly turning to LinkedIn for corporate recruiting. The company now has over 9,000 corporate clients using its recruiting services. One of the recruiting products they offer allows an employer to enter the profile of its dream candidate (who perhaps already turned the job down); LinkedIn does a data dive to suggest candidates with similar profiles.
“Say if you’re looking for a data analytics expert, we have a ‘secret sauce’ to find that person who looks like your perfect candidate but hasn’t already been hired by GoogleApple or Facebook,” says spokesperson Richard George.
One component of that “secret sauce” is your social graph.

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