LinkedIn Updates Keep Your Personal Brand Top-of-Mind

by Meg Guiseppi

One of the many benefits of using LinkedIn for job search is the ability to stay top-of-mind with your network – which should include employees at your target companies and recruiters, along with your various professional contacts.

Posting relevant updates to your “Activity Feed” is a relatively quick and easy way to do this.

Get into a routine of posting updates once a week, or at least a few times a month.

You’ll find the blank field displayed at the very top left-hand side of your LinkedIn home page, with the lightly printed phrase “Share an update” – ready for you to type over when you add an update.

Along with reminding your network about you, these updates reinforce your brand, subject matter expertise, and value to your target employers. And your updates represent another opportunity to brand your profile with relevant key words, so keep your brand and ROI in mind when you post an update.

First, select an option for your Activity Feed by going to “Settings,” then “Select who can see your activity feed.” You can choose from – Everyone, Your Network, Your Connections, or Only You.

To extend your message as far as possible, select either Your Network or Everyone. And include a link in the update that leads to further information, if applicable.

Ideas for LinkedIn Updates

  • An online article, blog post, or white paper you’ve published
  • An online article, blog post, or white paper that mentions or quotes you
  • An online article, blog post, or white paper, written by anyone, that is relevant to your niche

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