5 tips for finding a new job in 2011

CBS 6 Staff

Among the many new year’s resolutions, a popular one is getting a new job or career.

Answers Team member Dan Moran, President and Founder of Next-Act, says two things are needed to follow through on that resolution: a plan to fulfill it and the attitude to succeed.

Moran offers these tips:

* If you make the resolution to get a new job or career, create your plan to make this happen. “Break your resolution into a number of goals – such as updating your resume, making a list if network contacts you can approach, identify the ideal job or career – and each time you finish one of these goals, cross it of your list and reward yourself in some way for your achievement – even if it I just a hot chocolate”! Moran continued, “The most important tip – write your resolution down, post it on the mirror and write out your plan – it is critical to success and motivating as will”.
* Get organized. “Create calendars to keep your schedule on track, an schedule time to work on your resolution and make networking contacts. Being better organized will help you achieve your goals”.
* Be a better friend. “With social networking sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook and others, you can reconnect with friends and colleagues and let them know you are on the search for a new opportunity.
* Set realistic expectations. “This is very important as well. We live in a society of immediate gratification, but some big changes take time. Don’t think – and want a new job in two week – but be reasonable in your timeline or goals”.
* Develop an attitude of success. “You can only win if you believe you are a winner”, stated Moran. “ Creating a winning attitude in your mind will keep moving you forward. Give yourself permission to succeed – truly succeed. Be positive – and be with positive people – their positive energy will fill you, if you let it”.

Original CBS 6 Article

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